Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Not a whole lot happened today in the terms of 'post worthy'

but I feel like posting anyway.

Placement was wonderful, as ever, with a few changes (like someone new, potential new kids stopping by the school, etc.)  More of the children opened up to me, and Luke Gait and Om have basically decided that I'm there's and no one elses, which makes it slightly difficult to play with the other kids at times because then one of them comes running up arguing lol.  Its hard but still sweet?  If that makes sense.  I'm going to miss all of these kids, without a doubt.

I know you're not supposed to have your 'favorites' either, but some of the kids I've certainly formed more of a bond with than others, and I just can't even say how much I'm going to miss them.  I'm not sure how its happened, but I've ended up spending more time with the boys than the girls as played around.  I think in part its because it was my responisiblity to watch them while all the girls showered, so I'd end up chasing some of them around the playground.  Most of the girls are content to play in the sand or with each other, but the boys, at least i've found, are very engaging.  The girls also try to have conversations with me, lmfao, and considering the extent of my Thai they're usually very ...very short convos xD

After placement, we went to the Art and Culture center, where Jack, Sara and myself wandered the top floor together looking at photos that the Princess of Thailand has taken on her travels and posted for exhibit.

The titles were so cute, because it wasn't something big or dramatic, they were all things you'd see written on the bottom of your own personal photo album, and were very engaging.  It was nice because it made her seem like ' a real person' and not just some distant figure who has this title. 

It was also nice because it allowed me a chance to talk with Jack more, which I enjoyed.  I haven't spent much 'one on one' time with him, and even still, this was not strictly one on one either, but it was nice because it allowed me a chance to just talk with him normally about things i'm interested in (art and travel) and just chill and relax.  Jack's such a goofy, easy going guy, and he's extremely nice and well mannered.  He's enjoyable company, and a great addition to the staff, without a doubt.  He's also going to help me out with something MAJOR that i'm super excited about, and will post when it comes to pass.

Sara and I have been discussing what to get our placement people as a 'thank you'/departing gift, and with some input from the Jack-jack, we settled on a few things.  She purchased vanilla and pandam eclairs, while I got these things called Golden Noodles or something?  Jack said that they're made with eggs and sugar, and are on the sweeter side, so I'm hoping that the women at my placement enjoy them.  I needed something that didn't necessarily need to be refrigerated, and could be enjoyed simply.  Hopefully this will be a success.

Now i'm home, at the base, my throat hurts from talking and my eyes are beyond tired. I did some prepacking, and since i'm already tired I was more emotional, but I seriously just stopped packing and laid on the ground all, " But I don't want to goooooo." 

I miss my home and my family, but I've felt so at home here in both Thailand and Cambodia, that the thought of just returning to 'every day life' is like a black spot on my soul.  If you've ever seen The Neverending Story, its like The Nothing that just consumes the land.  Thats what the prospect of returning to the day in, day out, is doing to me.

Ahhh...if only I could pick up my mom and my family and bring them here, or bring all the wonders and excitement from here to home, then life would be grand. 

If only, if only.

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