Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Boxing in a back alley

Okay so today's cultural activity was Muay Thai boxing, something I've been excited for from the get go. It was just me, Victoria, and Sara this time, as Jill had gone during a previous volunteer trip with CCS.

So we all jump out of the van and follow Jack down this back alley, past scooters, older men smoking cigarettes and little old ladies staring super hard at trees. He stops at this one open hole in the wall sort of place, where lots of people are going back and forth and in a rush to leave.

As it turns out, the hole in the wall was the fighting school, and all those people were rushing around because one of their boxers had a fight tonight. I wonder now how that went.

The studio was an open air format, with three punching bags suspended to the right above a practice mat, and a ring in the back for training. One of the trainers remained behind to teach us, and they asked who would like to train.

I immediately jumped up, and Sara and Victoria decided they were going to give it a swing as well. We got laced up, the school providing the gloves, as well as the lacing because haaaa. There's no way that was happening alone.

The trainer took me aside first, and we did the basic "one two" punch for like maybe five minutes, talking and fancy foot work included, then moved into the kick. The trainer went around to each of us and helped individually, and frankly it was just a real blast.

Sara and Victoria got tired before I did, so the trainer put on some gloves and had us circle each other, instructing me to take swings and do various combos. He was a lot of fun, and helped with my posture as well as reminding me to guard my face properly so I don't get punched and indirectly punch myself XDD (a very real threat.)

He also put on this belt for me to kick, so we added that into our ballroom dance and I loved it.

He also had me doing elbow strikes, and would show me how I need to stay closer because sometimes I'd drift too far, and if he wasn't returning my swing then I wouldn't touch him.
I swear I basically found a sort of heaven in a back alley in Thailand. I had so much fun, and the trainer actually complimented me a few times. I'm sure I wasn't fantastic, but I think I at least brought maybe more than he was expecting, because he seemed pleasantly surprised and would just point at me when I was hanging out by the fan to come and practice with him.

I swear if this had been the first cultural activity, I would have been there every night since. That was just a freaking blast. All the pictures that were taken are on the other girls cameras so ill have to edit them in later, but forreal, amazing.

Even wearing socks, the foot I was kicking with got mad dirty, and I know my shin will be bruised tomorrow. (Shouldn't of even been hitting with my foot but those were from my first few kicks, before I figured out how close to stand.)

I was surprised to see I've got some bruises on my elbow!

Sexy lady, no? Lol I know they're not bad, they don't even hurt and frankly I've done much worse to myself via color guard, but I wasn't expecting them and they really crack me up.

So now I can legit say I got myself some souvies from some back alley Muay Thai boxing.

As with most things here in Thailand, the real memories aren't necessarily made in a place bedazzled in gold and gems.

This has been by far one of my favorite activities that we've done.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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