Wednesday, December 12, 2012

White powdered faces and Thai smiles

Second day at placement felt a lot more fluid. The kids were used to me, and I have what you could call a vague idea of the 'routine.' It's much more like a game plan and then you just sort of roll with whatever else happens. The main goal appears to be to keep the kids occupied and not punching each other. Fair enough, right?

Today they spent quite a while playing outside. I spent most of my time playing with a small group of boys and averting their attention in some manner when someone would get upset.

I was able to take some sweet photos of a few of the children today during all of this.

They spent most of the time playing on the slide.

This little kid right here is quickly becoming a favorite, which I know you're not supposed to have but I just can't help it.

He seems a little shy at first but would come up to me to show me how he filled a bag with dirt, or some new toy he'd find, and I'd react in the only appropriate way possible; making a huge deal over his accomplishment and being just as excited as he was about it. As a result, he opened up more and more and it really made me smile.

Bonded more with a few of the other kids as well, them being Om, Leo (pictured below), this little boy to the side whose name I have to confirm, and this sweet little girl whose name I still haven't caught.

All of the children are incredibly sweet, and they're all really excited and energetic, and just happy to play and dance.  Its funny to me how smiles and goofy faces are universal when it comes to connecting with kids.  I was talking to Jack about the kids and how welcoming they are.  We discussed the benefits of schools like this verse private nannys (in most cases here those tend to be family members who watch the children until school age) and we talked about here, through programs like CCS, the kids get exposure to foreigners that they perhaps wouldn't through home schools, which then helps promote acceptance and a mixing of cultures.

About that one little girl, when I ask her her name, she gets really shy and runs off, which is funny because she's such a little diva when it comes to dancing or singing. Jack said its not just me though, that the kids will do that to him when he talks to them in Thai as well, so, lol.  To me it seems better that they run off laughing instead of awkwardly staring at you in silence.  She's also especially smart, I've noticed, and has picked up on English quite quickly.

We played this game today where I drew a letter in the sand and she told me what it was, or I'd ask her to draw the letter and she would. Then she'd erase the letter out by hopping like a bunny over the dirt until it was all gone.

She also has been wearing nothing but Disney princess pajamas since day one, and it's sort of fantastic.

Now I don't know if this is true for most Asian cultures or not, but here in Thailand, after the children have had their showers and we dry them off, they then put this powder on their face and bodies to help dry them as well. I think it also kinda shows the parents they've been cleaned, I'm not sure, but the end result is a bunch of little kids running around with powdered faces and bodies and it kind of makes for great photos. Here's one little boy in particular who was trying to con his way out of a nap lol.

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