Sunday, December 16, 2012

JJ Market, Night Market, Christmas shopping: Check.

So today was a relaxed sort of day, in a vague sort of way.  We all arrived here needing to do the basic tourist shopping, but combine that with the need to get Christmas gifts, and you've got four girls who have been inquiring about the best places to get a deal. The end result was JJ Market and Asiatique, the Night Market.

After yesterday, all the other girls decided that they would use today for sleeping in, which made sense as it is literally the only day for our entire placement here that that would even be an option.  Naturally, I woke up at six.  Curses. 

Or so I thought.

I actually spent the morning chatting with my mom, and my older brother, so that was nice as there was no stress, I just wandered and enjoyed the perks of modern technology in the form of face time. I had initially meant to nurse my throat, as I woke up this morning sounding like a frog/chain smoker...a chain smoking frog, but after my first glass of water I decided I wanted to talk to my family, so there went that idea.  Oh well.  It was worth it.

Around 10:30 - 11, maybe even 12, everyone else slowly woke up and rolled on out of bed.  It was a lazy sort of Sunday morning, which was nice because no one felt rushed.  We ended up leaving maybe around 1 - 1:30, and had a fun little taxi ride over with a younger taxi driver.  We all tried to communicate, driver included, and that was enjoyable.  The drivers all seem amused at our poor attempts, but we try, and they try back in English, and it ends up as a lot of laughing and repeating after one another.

So then we arrive. JJ Market, the myth, the legend: the biggest outdoor market I have ever been in.  For a while, we sort of stick together, getting a feel of what was there, and how the system worked ( ha!) before all splitting up.  We had designated a time and location for when to return, giving ourselves until 4 to reconvene and decide from there.

JJ Market, otherwise known as Chatuchak Weekend Market, is huge.  It covers 35 acres of land, has over 5,000 stalls, and covers everything from tourist trinkets, furniture, candles, fans, musical instruments, clothing, food, animals, bugs, and religious artifacts.  You name it, they have it, and in an assortment of colors.

I really enjoyed wandering from stall to stall for a while, looking at the different clothing options, or the incredible carvings.  True to form, there was food on nearly every corner.  Lots of shops had signs up for "No picture!" so I didn't snap many, but the environment was both exciting and over stimulating. 

When we started out, the weather was listed as being 93, but feeling like 103, so a lot of people were out with freshly packed smoothies, or fruit, coconuts that they would split for you right there. 

JJ Market is all about bargaining as well, and its good to ask around at multiple stalls to get an idea about what a reasonable price would be before you start to bargain.  I did this, as I wasn't sure what the running price on specific items actually would be, but I also learned that if you see something and you love it, buy it, because in a place like that, returning to "that one stall" might not even be an option.  In fact, it may fall under the realm of fairy tale, something you only read about in story books, or see on temple walls.

 I got a couple of Christmas items from this place, and was happy.  I at least got everyone I wanted one thing, so if all else fails, I do have a gift.

At one point however, I wandered into the animal section, and immediately regretted it.  This was the most crowded area of the market that I experienced, and that wasn't really the issue.  A lot of the dogs are in small cages, some open for people to touch the animals, but not all,and I saw a depressing amount of heavy fur dogs like Huskies and Lab pups panting horribly in the heat.  Some shops had the animals inside enclosures, in the air conditioning, which was good, but some...ah...It was hard because I know buying animals from places like that just perpetuates it, but buying them is also the only way to get them out of the situation. I just got really depressed.  I saw a lot of different animals for sale, and again, some in great conditions, some not so much.

Just to list a few of the animals I saw:
Meerkats, Geese, Ducks, Roosters, Squirrels, Sugar Gliders, Fish, Starfish, Dogs of every breed, Hawks, and Groundhogs to name a few.

While working my way out of this area, I came across the often spoke of but as of yet unseen area for me: the bug food stands.  I didn't get to take a picture as I was in this procession of people trying to get out of the way, but I did get a good look at a stand that had HUGE cockroaches mixed in with something else, it looked like cooked larva.  I also saw lots of live worms and larva wiggling about, either for fish or for people, you decide.  I really wanted to snap a photo but I didn't want to be "that person" either, holding up the endless amount of people behind me just trying to get down the row.

We all met up at the appointed time some how, talked about our experiences, and then hopped a taxi back to the home base for some dinner and a quick break.  The heat had taken its toll on a few of us and the break was just nice.  Jill and I had discussed going to the Night Market to fill in any gaps from our shopping, and both Sara and Victoria decided they'd come as well, as we were all missing certain items.

After dinner and dumping our purchases, we hailed another taxi and off we went!  This market was a bit further from home base, but nothing horrible.  The night market starts around 5 from what I understand, and goes to midnight.  While more expensive, even in bargaining, this market is MUCH better organized and has less of an open area feel and more of what i'd call an "outlet" feel.

That being said, do not go here for 'outlet' prices.  It is simply well run, with live music along the main walk way, a Ferris wheel on the right corner, and actual restaurants replacing the much less formal food stalls. 

Again, I recommend meandering your way through, inquiring about prices, and then deciding.  I had a much easier time mentally mapping this area than I had with JJ Market for a first timer, and was able to retrace my steps to return and purchase items I decided on.  That being said, the ONE item I've been searching for since I got here I missed.  I saw it, went to exchange money so I'd have enough, and then promptly never found the shop again.  Blast!

I did get a milk boba tea though, which I happily drank while waiting on the others.  After everyone arrived, they decided they'd like a beer so we all sat at this interesting little shop/bar/thing and had a drink.  I had water, they had beer, and we chatted about our finds and plans for the week.  I was happy.

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