Friday, December 21, 2012

We say goodbye like a Princess

Today was a special day.  Not only was it the last day for me at placement (tear) but it was also the last day for the volunteer group and CCS Staff to be together, and on top of that, it was extra special because CCSBangkok is actually closing for four months for the first time ever after this group leaves.  So tonight, after our cultural activity of a walking tour of specific areas in Bangkok, we all had an amazing dinner at a restaurant on the river with the staff, plus Sue, our wonderful land lady.  Heres a photo of all of the final volunteers, Sue, and two of the lovely staff.

Going around to the Wats and various locations for our C.A. was super cute because the staff was going around snapping photos, and it went from "oh my god, cool background! Photo photo!" to absolutely ridiculous "Omg, theres a tree! Photo photo!" and eventually it even turned into " omg, theres a Honda--"   And if you think i'm joking, i'm not.

So the restaurant was The Princess Terrace Pub and Restaurant, and we had this big table laid out for us right by the river. 

We got there and were seated just prior to the sun setting, so we got to watch the night light up around us, with various Christmas decorations on our side, and the city night life on the other.
We were celebrating a few things that night.  Not just the last night for us as volunteers, but it was actually the first time CCSBangkok will be closing for a period of time in 10 years of being active.  They'll only be closed for four months, so its not a total shut down, but it will be their first time going dormant as well so.

 The food was, again, incredible, and I got to see a more casual side of the staff that I was super happy to see.

 I gave them the drawing from me and the other volunteers.  Jack especially liked how his hair was drawn in the image, lol. It's a bit hard as an artist to leave them with such a rough image, but there was literally nothing I could do given the materials at hand.  At least they liked it.

 For my first time volunteering abroad, this experience has been more than I could ever have hoped for and I can't possibly say thank you to them enough.  Nothing I could say would convey it enough.  From Jack, who was the first person I met in Thailand, to Pimsuda, who runs everything here for the groups, to Benz, who is mad chill and has amazing driving skills, to Sue, who is the sweetest lady ever, to Jiew, Jume, and Noo who all are so sweet and sassy at the same time, providing both food and clean housing, and finally Sopat, who guards us and keeps us safe at night.  This experience would not have been even close to the same without this staff, and I hope they know how awesome they all are.

I got some sweet photos with Jack and Benzy, as well as a nice one with Sue.  I also got a fun one with Pimsuda and Benz, which I posted up there earlier.

I didn't get a chance to talk to the women in the staff too much (the cooks and women who kept the place tidy) because i'd always see them in the morning or late at night, when my croaky voice was at the worst, but they were really cute to watch running around snapping photos.

 Ahh, such a great staff.  I don't want to leave.

Can't I just stay here with my new friends? and have my friends and family from home magically transport to Thailand as well? Is that really too much to ask?

The bus ride home was fun as well.  It totally turned into a party van, with Benz flashing the lights in the back and the music cranked up.

 Noo, Jack, Me, Sara, Victoria, Alli, and Benz by way of lights were all partying it up.  It was so much fun, and was just a great way to connect with the staff in a manner that we hadn't been able to yet.  Alas, it was also like the last thirty minutes I got to spend with them, lol.
Even after the van was parked, Noo was in the back clapping and it was just like, " The party don't stop!" lol.  I loved it.  Here's a shot of Jack showing off some dance moves. to come back.  Next time though, for MUCH longer than two weeks.  I'm seriously not trying to think about it yet, because if I do, I know i'm going to start crying.  Once i'm home, I'll do a proper post on the staff, this program, and my time here in Bangkok, but for the time being, that is what I got.

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