Saturday, March 2, 2013

Goals and ambitions

So I haven't been posting on here lately because I originally started this as a blog to record my travels. Being that I won't be traveling again til after April, I figured what the hell, let's give the blog a chance. (Hire the ugly girl with no interest in fashion-)

Lately I've been very motivated in my art, which is great because if you've known me for any duration of time, you'll know that sometimes ill go months without properly putting pen to paper due to my bouts with depression.

Having the opportunity to showcase a few pieces in a gallery has me properly excited though, and I've been doing my best to create some pieces that I can be proud of. I also recently gathered all my art that's just been laying around the house together, and you know what? I was rather proud of the collection I had before me. Not all pieces were winners, but it was a lot more art, a lot more *good* art, than I had expected to find. It made me happy to see these things and to just think "this was me. This was something that I did."

So often I find that were our own worst critics, and so often I find myself looking at other people's art and just thinking "what I wouldn't give for half of your talent."

Maybe I still don't have half of that, but I would like to think that my art amounts to *something* all the same.

What I'd really like would be to have a solo show case in a gallery in Savannah. I actually think that I may have enough pieces soon, depending on if I can get myself accepted into one of them. I'm also thinking to try here locally, although the clientele is much um...more "refined" in their tastes. (Ie, I don't know if fantasy art is exactly their cup of tea) but you know what? If I don't ask, ill never know.

So, goals and to-dos:
* write an artist statement
* at some point revamp your resume
* paint Lot-sur and develop the royals cheer concepts
* work on Vasilisa story
* scan in sketchbook pieces
* purchase boards and glue for pieces
* purchase boxes for delivery

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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