Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sorting Money for the trip

So while in Thailand, as part of the trip, most of my expenses will already be paid and handled prior to my arrival, leaving only money for the weekends and free time, plus any extras I wish to acquire while out  (Christmas shopping in Thailand, hello.)

While going through the wonderful and heartfelt exercise that is rolling coins, I began to wonder if the US dollar is excepted in Cambodia. I know from my trip to Peru that I exchanged money and used local currency, though i'm unsure of if it was accepted while in Europe as I actually didn't handle any of the money on that trip.  Also, from talking with our coordinator for the Thailand trip, I've learned that in Bangkok I will be using the Thai Baht.  (Also discovered the withdrawal fee from the ATMs,which was a handy bit of information.  Its $5, btw, if you're with Regions Bank.)  Turns out, I can use US dollars, and its not seen as any sort of "black market" or under handed sort of exchange.  Also handy to know, surely.  This site was pretty useful:

Everything i've been reading about the general cost of things (good research, btw, helps in preventing you from being scammed.  Helps, but does not ensure) seems that once i'm actually there, it shouldn't be terribly expensive.

It looks like the US dollar can take you pretty far in both Cambodia and Thailand (though in Thailand, they may be talking about the equivalent of) which is good news for me as I'm counting pennies over here. I booked a hostel on after reading multiple reviews on there, as well as tripadvisor (both sites are amazing, btw, and I recommend them for reference if looking for places to stay abroad.  I used them for Peru and both of the hostels we stayed at were wonderful.)  The most expensive part (plane travel aside) will be for my English speaking tour guide and the Angkor Wat tickets.  The rest will depend on what I decide to buy or not.  

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