Monday, September 23, 2013

The Color Run: Happiest 5k on the Planet! and another item off the bucket list.

I ran my first official 5k yesterday, and I'm fairly certain that The Color Run couldn't have been a better choice as far as breaking into the sport goes.

The Color Run is a 5k that mimics the look of the Indian festival, Holi.  Holi is an amazing celebration that takes place the day after the first full moon in the Indian month of Phalguna (early March.)  Now, as a young child, I saw photos of Holi and was immediately fascinated.  It just seemed like the most amazing thing to me, to see all these people throwing the color around and up into the air.  As an adult, I learned that Holi was a festival to celebrate the return of Spring, while also commemorating various events in Hindu culture.  One day, I hope to be around for a proper Holi celebration, as the more I learn about it and its cultural meanings, the more I can appreciate the act.
However, since I am in Florida and have no means to see the celebration properly, I signed up for The Color Run, as a way to experience the color aspect, and an excellent starter for my first official run.
Happiest 5k on the planet!
Someone inform Bradley.

Since the race was in Orlando, we had to get up at 5 am here to get there, get parked, and everything sorted.  Luckily, I had gone the day before for packet pick up (this also counts as Check In for those of you unfamiliar with the process) and had scouted out the parking and general area, which proved to be QUITE helpful, as there was construction going on around The Citrus Bowl that we were able to bypass on the actual day of. 

So, quick over view for those of you reading this who are new to the game like I was: Packet Pick Up was held at a Sports Authority in this case, and went super quick.  We showed up, I brought my ID and a release form to pick up Bradley's, along with our confirmation codes.  They didn't look at that, but I'd rather have it on me just in case they weren't able to find me by my ID for some reason.  They gave me my bib and directed me to another stand where I got a bag for both of us.  Inside each packet/bag was a t-shirt, a head band, some temporary tattoos, pins to secure your race number to your shirt, a wrist band (that you apparently put on for yourself at the event, although no one was checking this as far as I saw), and a color packet for the big color party at the end of the race.  It was kind of hard to hear in here because they had the speakers set up really close, but between those two tables, you got your stuff.  They had another booth set up where you could buy some official Color Run gear if you wanted.

Of note:  There is no where to store what you bring with you to the event, so rock that fanny pack or bring a bag that you're willing to run with, cause there is no storage.
Bradley and I making our way to the starting line.
Once we parked and wandered in, my pre-race anxiety transformed into ease and excitement.  There was music playing, a group run warm up party going on from the stage, as well as some various vendors (give-aways) set up.  There's also multiple stands set up again for those who are doing packet pick up that day, with signs saying PACKET PICK UP/CHECK IN.  Know that Check In is what you did when you picked up your packet prior to the event (if thats what you did), so theres no need to go over there for race day check in.  They also have a booth set up selling the official gear again if you pined away over it all the night before.  There's also a few chances to randomly win things for free, as they're tossing bags, hats, fanny packs and the such from the start gate as you run through, as well as from the stage/color party area at the end of the event.  They also are tossing out TONS of color packets here to really make the event fun, so no stress if you got a little excited and opened your packet before the event.  Just know, you gotta have some grabby hands if you're gonna catch yourself a packet.  

Pink! First check point.
So!  The race started!  People walking tended to stay to the right side, people jogging on the left, and the middle was sort of a free for all.  Thankfully it didn't rain on us, and the clouds provided a nice over cast that kept it from being too hot (oh Florida.)  Some locals came out and were waving and cheering along the path, which was nice.  The cops were all cheering and high fiving people along the way as well.  The check points came quickly, as a 5k is only 3.1 miles, but they were exciting and spaced far enough to keep the motivation going.  It was like a little pepper-upper when you see the colored banners and tunnels coming up.  

It was also pretty cool to see the color clouds.  The Color Runner volunteers know to aim low when people are going through, but you are going to be running through what is basically corn starch, so I recommend glasses and/or a bandanna.  If you're asthmatic, I also recommend keeping your inhaler ON you, especially if you go to the color party at the end.  I did manage to get a little of this in my eyes towards the end, and its not the most comfortable feeling, but was cleared up pretty quickly by some water.

Speaking of water, there was only one water station on the run, marked with green banners, but for such a short run, it was plenty. There are also plenty of trash cans provided SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE ALL WHAT YOU FIND HOLY, USE THEM. They are, however, passing out plenty of water bottles once you come through the finish line!  The one I got was nice and cold, and I saw TONS of them lined up for passing out.  There's also a station near the finish line to get the loose dust blown off of you.

Since the Color Run is not a timed event, it was really light hearted and easy going.  Saw lots of costumes and smiles, people of all ages and fitness levels participating.  To me, it seems like the perfect event for people who aren't really hardcore runners but who have always wanted to give the whole thing a shot.  I'm really glad it was my entry race into this sort of activity, and while there are no medals (some people seem to only run for medals?), the whole experience is more than worth it in my opinion.
Bradley and I after the Color Party.
The Color Party at the end was a fun way to finish things off, just watch for flying packets as they tend to be attracted to peoples faces.  This goes down every 15 minutes, I believe, so even if you miss the first one, they're doing this in waves as people come in from completing the event. It's worth going to, and its also worth watching from afar.  Its pretty amazing to see all the color go flying in the air, and a completely different experience both in and out.
 Some general notes:

  • Running on a treadmill and running outside are two completely different experiences, so know that.  However, running on a treadmill is still a great thing to do if you can't get outside.
  • Bring a towel, and maybe even a wear an undershirt to change shirts before you get in your car.  When I jumped in the shower, it looked like I had run the whole thing in a bikini and not a full shirt and pants.
  • The Blue color seems to be especially clingy.
  • While its lots of fun and I enjoy changing the shower water color every time I take a shower, I think next time I will be running with a hat on.
  • Also be prepared with a scrubby or something for your shower after this event.  Your whole body will be in need of some 'exfoliating.' 
  • I recommend proper running shoes.  I heard lots of people saying their feet really hurt, and every single one of them were just wearing casual tennis shoes.